DIY Terrazzo Stone Lamp
Ahhh! I am so dang excited about this DIY!! I’ve wanted lamps for our night stands in our bedroom for a longggg time now. But, lamps are oddly expensive and I could never find something that I really loved. THEN I saw these $10 lamps at Target and I used this $300 lamp (!!!) as inspiration, and ta-da! I’ve got the cutest lamps ever and for such a cheap price!!!
Check out this Before & After!!!

PS. Check out some of my other home decor DIYs (they’re my fave). There this wall hanging, this earring holder, these throw pillows, and this color block arch to name a few! You can find the rest HERE!
I am always excited about the DIYs that I make for this blog, but sometimes I’m just EXTRA excited to make something and that was the case for these lamps! I was also a little nervous that they wouldn’t turn out like I dreamed they would but they DID and they were actually really simple to make because of my secret ingredient: textured spray paint.
I had seen textured spray paint before, but had never used it and OH MY LANTA it’s so good!!! It legit looks like stone, my mom thought I had dipped a lamp in concrete – ha! I have this little stone vase that I love and the lamp honestly looks indistinguishable from the actual stone it’s so cool! I know I’m being dramatic, but seriously, stone spray paint is a GAME CHANGER!

Anywho, we should get to this EASY DIY that I’m wayyy to excited about!! Let’s goooo!

Paint Brush
Acrylic Paint in Various Colors
For the Lamp:

- Cover the parts of the lamp that you don’t want spray painted in plastic and painters tape.
- Use your stone spray paint to paint the lamp (you’ll need a couple coats).
- Choose your color scheme – I went with a bunch of different shades of pinks and oranges, and ended up not using the green.
- While you’re waiting for it to dry, practice painting your terrazzo pattern – I used this image for reference.
- Start painting your terrazzo pattern onto your lamp! Don’t over think it too much! I just painted angular shapes, trying not to put them too close together and I tried to scatter the colors.
- Continue painting your terrazzo pattern until the lamp is covered, it’s really relaxing and great to watch a movie while you’re working on it!
For the Tassels:

Next, make your tassels. This is of course optional, but I think it really adds to the lamp!
- Wrap your string around four of your fingers. I wrapped my string 15 times.
- Cut your string apart at one end.
- Tie a string around the top section of your string, making a new loop at the top and put a string through the top loop.
- Using a pet brush, brush out your tassels to get a fun texture (optional).
- I made two tassels, one shorter and one longer. I threaded them onto the same string, then simply tied them onto my lamp!
Well I think that’s it! A DIY that saves you money, is easy and relaxing to make, and is trendy and cute as heck! Literally everything that you could want in a DIY!! If you decide to make this cutie lamp pretty pleaseee tag or DM me @mikylacreates so that I can see!! Okay, see yah next week!

The stone spray paint really makes this looks like real terrazzo!
Thanks Liz! 🙂 I agree! The Spray paint is amazing!
Keep this going please, great job!