DIY Wireless Clay Wall Sconce Light For $25
It’s no secret that Sculpey clay is my go-to DIY craft of choice – I have been using Sculpey for my DIYs since I was a kid (!!) and there are a ton of Sculpey projects on this blog (earrings, vases, dog tags, dominos, candle holder, wall hanging, and manyyy more). BUT, this DIY Sculpey wall sconce may be my favorite one yet! I TOLD my mom I was making wall sconces out of Sculpey, but when she saw the photos she still thought I bought them – haha!

I was so excited when Sculpey asked me to make something out if their new white granite color – I mean HOW pretty is it!? I knew I wanted to make a home decor item because it’s just too pretty not to! But, wall sconces like these sell for upwards of $100 a pop, so making these high end looking sconces for $25 each is a STEAL!
I also made them wireless, and I’ll tell you how I did that later on! But, we should get started on these DIY wireless clay wall sconce light for $25 (!!)
Sculpey Premo White Granite (2 packs per light)
Gold Wall Sconce Bases
These or These
Two Oven Safe Bowls
I got mine from the Dollar Store
Zip Ties
To Make the Light Shade:

- Roll out two packs of the Sculpey Premo White Granite.
- Place your rolled out clay on top of an oven safe bowl (I got mine from the dollar store).
- Now we need to make the clay smooth against the bowl. Use your exacto knife to cut slits in the clay, and then fold it on top of itself and cut the sections off the overlap.
- Smooth the cut sections back together with your finger.
- Use your exacto knife to cut the scalloped edge – I just freehanded mine and went slowly.
- Use your sconce light base to make a hole ontop of your sconce where it will fit onto the light. Use the actual sconce to make a hole so that it is an exact fit.
- Clean up the hole you just made with your exacto knife and smooth it out with your finger.
- Bake your sconce right on the bowl according to package instructions – I baked mine for 25 minutes on 275.
- Now you’ll use a hammer to break the bowl that the sconce shade is on.
To Attach the Shade to the Light:

- Secure a zip tie onto your sconce base at the height you want your clay shade to sit. This is how your shade will stay on the light.
- Use super glue and add glue all around the edges of where the lightbulb would go.
- Quickly attach your battery powered puck light and hold until secure.
- It’s ready to hang on the wall! We used gold screws that matched the sconce.
Ah! Guys, I am so excited for this DIY and I think this is a true DIY home decor hack – I’ve wanted sconces for so long but they were always too pricey – leave it to Sculpey and they’re beautiful White Granite color to solve my problem!! I hung mine above a gallery wall in our hallway, but I think they would look gorgeous above nightstands in a bedroom too!
If you make your own DIY clay wall sconces please DM or tag me on Instagram @mikylacreates so that I can see – that would make my day!!