DIY Paint & Epoxy Marble Countertops

DIY Paint & Epoxy Marble Countertops for your kitchen and bathroom! Honest review and an easy tutorial on how to make a big change on a budget

DIY Paint & Epoxy Marble Countertops

We recently moved into a new home that we aren’t planning on staying in for too long, but we still wanted to make it nice, so we DIYed our kitchen! You can see the full before and after below! We wanted to make a few inexpensive changes that would make a huge impact, but not break the bank. One of those changes was DIY paint & epoxy marble countertops!

DIY Paint & Epoxy Marble Countertops for your kitchen and bathroom! Honest review and an easy tutorial on how to make a big change on a budget

PS. Head HERE to check out how we painted the cabinets the right way – also in this kitchen!

Also make sure to head to the bottom of the post for an HONEST review and a warning!

I have seen this DIY floating around for awhile, but it just looked so… daunting, and hard, and like it takes a lot of talent. BUT I’m here to tell you that it’s actually EASY and only takes a weekend to complete! I was convinced that this DIY was a good idea when I saw Elsie from the A Beautiful Mess blog do it. She used a kit that came with a tutorial video and that made it seem WAY less scary!

So, if you also want to DIY your countertops, then I would HIGHLY suggest you buy THIS kit it’s the one I used and it’s great because it comes with literally EVERYTHING you need including tarps and a practice board.

The kit also comes with a 20 minute tutorial video that has the FULL instructions – you can find that HERE.

I’ll give you a brief tutorial on how I did my countertops, but I really just suggest you watch that video when you are ready to do it! I did paint my veining a little differently than they do in the video as I wanted a more subtle vibe.

Anyways, here’s a quick run down on how I did it!


Carrara White Marble Countertop Paint Kit
The kit was enough our entire kitchen plus two bathrooms!

Painters Tape


DIY Paint & Epoxy Marble Countertops for your kitchen and bathroom! Honest review and an easy tutorial on how to make a big change on a budget
  1. You don’t need to sand your counters or anything (yay), just give them a good cleaning and then use the white paint from the kit to give them a few coats. The video said only two coats should be good, but we did three or four.
  2. Find marble patterns you like to get an idea of how to paint your veins. I used the photo for reference for the first few and then I just went for it! Painting the veins is so easy! Start by gently painting a line.
  3. Quickly spray that line, I sprayed it a lot because I wanted lighter, subtle lines.
  4. Use the large paintbrush that the kit comes with to blend your vein – just dab it! It really is so easy and WAY less intimidating than it seems! Brennan got each of our family members to paint a vein which was fun! Don’t over think it because real marble has a lot of variations!
  5. Once your paint has dried add the epoxy! This part is easy, but a little stressful cause you have to work FAST before the epoxy dries! Epoxy is self leveling though, so you really don’t have to do much except for spread it out!
  6. The worst part is that you have to wait a week for it to dry, but look how pretty!
DIY Paint & Epoxy Marble Countertops for your kitchen and bathroom! Honest review and an easy tutorial on how to make a big change on a budget

Honest Review:

I don’t regret painting our countertops, though we have had a few issues with parts of the countertop getting tacky. There will be little spots that will get messed up. I noticed that it was only one section of the kitchen – the last part we epoxied that we rushed doing. After talking to the company who made the kit, I realized that this was happening because we rushed that last part and didn’t mix the epoxy well enough (they have a specific amount of time you mix it for) and we didn’t do the full time. And, we haven’t had any issues with the rest of the countertops where we mixed the epoxy long enough. Just beware of this when doing your own. I am going to redo this section of our kitchen and mix my epoxy REALLY well this time, haha!

DIY Paint & Epoxy Marble Countertops for your kitchen and bathroom! Honest review and an easy tutorial on how to make a big change on a budget

Anyways, I LOVE how our countertops look and it has made such a HUGE difference in our kitchen for only $200! Let me know if you have any more questions!! Oh! And tag me on instagram @mikylacreates if you try it out or if you want to see more home projects!

DIY Paint & Epoxy Marble Countertops for your kitchen and bathroom! Honest review and an easy tutorial on how to make a big change on a budget
DIY Paint & Epoxy Marble Countertops for your kitchen and bathroom! Honest review and an easy tutorial on how to make a big change on a budget

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