NBC’s ‘The Office’ Party! + Free Printables
If you are a huge NBC ‘The Office’ fan, and I mean HUGE, then this post is for you, or for your friends, so they can throw you an Office party!! I include every office themed food, every game, and every decoration, as well as some free pintable’s to help you throw a Dunder Mifflin style party! Cause, you know, ain’t no party like a Scranton party, cause a Scranton party don’t stop (I had to)!
PS. If you’re looking for more party posts, here is a Disneyland party, and here is how to throw a virtual party!
I threw this party for my brother who loves NBC’s ‘The Office’ more than anyone I’ve ever, ever met, he basically speaks in Office references, so I knew this party had to be chocked FULL of them! Let me tell yah, I got pretty intense, like really intense, so put your Michael Scott hat on and let’s dive in!
I’m going to break this down by food, decorations, and games, then I’ll link the free printable at the end! I also let you know what episode each item is referencing (I told you I got intense).

The printable includes the food labels I made that have the name of the food, as well as a meme that shows where in the show it’s from!
Main Course
Nard Dogs | Season 8, ep. 2
Hot dogs are such an easy party food, and calling them nard dogs makes them fit the theme, so #winning!
Kevin’s Chili | Season 5, ep.26
This went perfectly with the hotdogs, because you can eat them separate or put them together to make chili dogs! I also think that chili is probably the most famous/funny Office themed food!
Michael’s Potato Salad | Season 3, ep. 17
In the show it is store bought, but ours was homemade cause it just tastes better!
Kevin’s pigs in a blanket | Season 7, ep. 8
This is one of my brothers favorite scenes, so we had to include it! Also, bonus points if you provide the birthday boy or girl with a blanket so they can wrap themselves in it like Kevin did!
Stanley’s Pretzels | Season 3, ep. 5
This is also a VERY famous scene from the office, in the show it is actually soft pretzels, but we just used regular pretzels for simplicities sake.

Kelly’s Chicklet Cake | Season 5, ep.16
This episode was the biggest inspiration for our party, I would definitely watch it beforehand! Anyways! In the show they give Kelly a birthday cake with a Chicklet on it and her name spelled wrong, so we did the same!

Kevin’s Mini Cupcakes | Season 9, ep.9
One of my favorite lines in the show:
“Mini cupcakes? As in the mini version of regular cupcakes? Which is already a mini version of cake? Where does it end with you people?!” -Kevin Malone. Hahaha, need I say more?!

Kit Kat Bars | Season 4, ep.5
In the show Andy can’t remember what the end of the Kit Kat jingle is and gets it wrong many times, so I made a printable with all of his answers, and taped them onto Kit Kat bars! It’s included with the printable at the end!
Nerds | Season 6, ep.3
I had a few little dishes with Nerds (aka Jim’s) out, and also included a box in the Nifty Gifties!
Kevins M&M’s | Season 2, ep. 3
This is referenced multiple times in the show, I just put some out in a bowl.

Jello | Season 1, ep.1
OKAY! So, THIS is the most famous office food, and you must have a stapler in Jello for your office party! We also made some little Jello cups!
Pam’s Jelly Beans
Since we had a little candy bar happening, the jelly beans from the reception desk were the perfect addition!
Mexican Lemonade | Season 3, ep. 13
“It’s just regular lemonade”, is what I had to keep telling my mom as she tried to convince me that we needed to find a Mexican lemonade recipe.
So we had a little ‘Office Olympics’ situation, and played a few games! They were all pretty easy to put together, so I’ll tell you how below!

Flonkerton | Season 2, ep. 3
An Office classic. This game was definitely the hardest to pull off, since those paper boxes can’t actually hold a human without breaking, so we reinforced the boxes with wood on the inside, and then tied twine around the outside to tuck your feet in!

Racism Game | Season 1, ep. 2
We played this game exactly how they play it in the show! Just write different races on pieces if paper, tape one to each persons head, and have them guess what race is on their head.
Cheeseball Game | Season 5, ep. 22
This game is ridiculously simple, but very fun. We had everyone pick a partner, then had them form two lines, gave everyone a handful of cheese puffs, then they had to try to throw it in each others mouths. Whichever team caught the most won!
Office Trivia x2
The printable (at the bottom of this post) includes two Office Trivia games that I made, one is ‘Who said it’ and the other is a fill in the blank, Michael Scott quotes!

Yogurt Lid Medals | Season 2 ep. 3
In the Office Olympics the winners were awarded with medals made out of yogurt lids and paper clips! Super easy prizes is you ask me!
THE DUNDIES | Season 2, ep. 1
This was by far my favorite part of our NBC’s The Office party!! I made these little paper Dundie awards (that are included in the printable at the bottom of the post). Then we wrote on each one for each guest, things like “best mom”, “whitest sneakers”, and little inside jokes that pertain to each person! Then my dad presented them to each person in our own little Dundie ceremony and it was amazing! We also bought a real dundie for the birthday boy, that I got on Amazon, it is linked here!

Nifty Gifty | Season 3, ep. 8
We used these as goody bags, not that an adult birthday party needs goody bags, but I couldn’t resist! In the show they are just full of pencils, but we added some candy too!

Meme Wall
This is super simple, but a great way to let the guests who haven’t seen The Office in on the jokes, and the people who have seen it laughing! Just print out your fave The Office quotes, and organize them on a wall!

‘It is your birthday.’ Sign | Season 5, ep. 16
This is very important to the party! I ordered mine on Amazon here!
Brown, black and grey balloons | Season 5, ep. 16
Just like in the show! I ordered mine here, here, and here!
White Streamers | Season 5, ep. 16
Order some here!

Star Mug | Season 5, ep. 7
I made this as part of my gift to the birthday boy. I designed it and then ordered it from VistaPrint.

Dundie | Season 2, ep. 1
This makes the perfect decoration! You can find it here!

Signs and Photos
I printed a bunch of photos, signs and things from the office to frame. I just googled them and found them there, I’ll list what I used here:
Dwight Pervert Sign | Season 3, ep. 22
Asian Jim Family Photo | Season 9, ep. 3
Office Logo
Nard Dog Tattoo Design | Season 8, ep. 2
Threat Level Midnight Poster | Season 7, ep. 17
Pam’s Dunder Mifflin Painting | Season 3, ep. 17
Dwight ASCII art | Season 5, ep. 1
BONUS: Have your guests dress up like the characters! A couple of our friends kids dressed up like Jim, Andy, and Angela!

Well! There you have it folks! A very epic NBC’s ‘The Office’ Party! If you also have an Office party, pretty please tag me @mikylacreates because that would make my day! As promised, you can get the free printables below! It includes, Dundie printables, food sign printables, Kit Kat bar printables, and two Office trivia quizzes! Enjoy!
Free Office Party Printables:

I’m having trouble getting these printables! Every time I try to subscribe and hit submit, bubbles pop up on the subscribe button like “It’s” registering but I never get anything.
That’s so weird! I just emailed it to you!
I also signed up and cannot access the free printables.
I’ve emailed it to you 🙂
Could I please have the su does emailed to me as well? I couldn’t find them under the printables.
I can’t get the download to work either.
I signed up and cannot access the free printables. May they please be sent.
Thank you!
Sent! 🙂
I absolutely LOVE this. Like i had the same idea with the balloons and chili and cake but you went full detail mode! I just love it all! I hope my husband loves it too!
I hope he loves it too!! 🙂
I have not received the email. Can you please email the Office Printables to me? Thanks so so much!
Nevermind- it finally made it- Thanks!
Yay! I’m glad 🙂
Can you email this to me please? Thank you!
You can have them emailed to you by entering your email at the bottom of the post 🙂 But, I just emailed them to you myself!
These are amazing! I subscribed and haven’t received the free printables. Would you mind sending them to me?
Sometimes they can go in the spam or promotions folder 🙂 But, I just emailed them to you!
Hi! I don’t see a spot to enter my email to get the free printables, could you send them to me? Thanks so much!
Hi! You can download them by entering your email in the box below the photo of the Dwight poster at the bottom of the post. But, I emailed them to you just in case 🙂
I haven’t received an email with the printables
Just sent them 🙂
Hey, I registered my email but I haven’t received any mail, can you please send the printable?
Thank you
Just sent it!
Would love to get the printables – thank you!! Awesome idea!
Just sent it!
I am also having a problem downloading the printables for The Office party. Can you send them to me as well? Thanks!
Just sent them! 🙂
This is awesome, could I get the free printable?
I didn’t receive an email when I signed up. I have already checked spam.
Can you send me the printables as well?
Didn’t show up for me either…
Could you also email these? 🙁 The subscribe button isn’t working for me either.
Hello! I just signed up, but haven’t received the printables yet. When should I be expecting them?
I can’t seem to get this to work either.
would you please be able to email me the printables? Couldn’t get them to download and my husbands birthday is in one day! thank you so much for the great ideas he is going to love it.
Hi 🙂
I signed up, is it possible for you to send me the office printables? Thanks!
I havent gotten an email with the link- is there a way for you to send them to me?
Hi! I haven’t received the printables and I tried two email IDs as well as looked in the spam/junk folder. Can you please email it to me? Thanks!
Hello! Could you email me the free printables as well? Thank you!
I tried to subscribe as well, but do not see an email. Could I please get these sent?
What have I done wrong? Please help… so want to print all these fabulous The Office printables for my son’s 20th bday party!! His favorite show ever. Your party looks amazing!
Would you be able to send over the link? I haven’t received it yet. Thank you!
Hi! Can you send me the printables? I haven’t received any email. Thanks!
I love all of the details you’ve put together. I’ve tried to download the file but it isn’t working. Would it be possible to have you send it to me. I’m going to use it for my son’s 16th birthday.
hi I am not able to download the free printables. Can you please email them to me. Thanks
Hi! I registered my email but I haven’t received any mail, can you please send the printable?
Thank you!!
Can someone share The Office printables with me also? Thank you!
Hi! I’m having trouble accessing the printable. Would I be able to get them emailed? Thank you so much!! This post was so helpful!!
Hoping I can still get these. I subscribed and got a message that the link was expired.
i subscribed but did not receive the printable. Can you please send them to me? thank you.
LOVE these ideas! Your party looks like so much fun! I’m doing an office-themed party for my husband’s 40th birthday and was hoping to use some of your printables but having the same issue some others mentioned. It is not letting me subscribe. Any change you would be able to email them to be? Really appreciate it!!
Thank You! It’s sent!
Hello just looking for the The Office printable, thanks 🙂
You can enter your email at the bottom of the post to get them 🙂
This is great! I’m planning an Office themed graduation party for my son! I couldn’t get the download. I filled out the form but didn’t get an email confirmation.
Can we have the answers for the trivia? I’m throwing a party for my husband and I’m a fan, but I don’t know all of the answers.
Hello! I gotta say this party is one of the best I have seen!! I am so excited for my upcoming birthday as I will be doing this same theme. I just signed up and would love this printable for my upcoming party. Can you please email it to me?
I am planning out son’s 1st birthday and we are doing a The Office theme. Would love to use these printables!
Just enter your email in the box near the bottom of the post 🙂
Can you please send me the printables as well? I subscribed but didn’t get them. Thanks!
Can i get the printables – thank you!
Sent! 🙂
hi, im looking for the office printables. i signed up at the bottom of the page but didnt get anything yet. can you please help? Thank you!
I subscribed and confirmed my subscription but I get an error message that the link is expired to download the printables.
thank you
Hi can you email me the downloads
Hi! enter your email in the box in the post and the link will be emailed to you!
Hello! Just sending a request to get the free printables:)