Happy FriYAY + Phone Wallpaper
Happy Friday ya’ll!!! We’re off to Monterey, CA this weekend, which I am super stoked about because it is where the movie Finding Dory was based on #noshame. Anyways, I have some super fun links for you this week (seriously), so enjoy! Oh! And don’t forget about this weeks cutie phone wallpaper!
Get Your Free Phone Wallpaper Below!
I also posted a travel guide to Sacramento, California this week, it’s a good one! Check it out here!
This Weeks Happy Friyay Links!
- I’m DYING over this portable cereal cup, there’ no bowl or spoon, and it’ll never get soggy, you have to see it hahaha!
- If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen that I made homemade gummy bears this week lol. I might make a blog post with the recipe, but in the meantime, here’s the mold I used!
- The BEST Instagram account to follow for home decor for renters. She has redone her entire apartment on a budget and it’s STUNNING.
- I find this stick for fixing fly away hairs super fascinating, I kind of want to buy one and try it!
- An article that justifies my love for snake plants haha!!
That’s it guys, hope you enjoyed this weeks happy FriYAY + phone wallpaper post! Have a magical weekend, and follow along here for my weekend adventures!