Happy Friyay + Phone Wallpaper!
Happy Friday guys!! I’m not usually someone who gets super stoked for the weekend, cause I actually really like working lol, BUT I am SO ready for this weekend. I’m planning on doing n-o-t-h-i-ng and I am PUMPED (anyone else?!) If you need me I’ll probably be napping haha.
Anywayssss.. my blog post this week is something I have been super excited to post for a long time – Free Enneagram Type Printables – WOO! It would make my day to see ya’ll printing and using them (tag me!!) Okay, let’s get to those links!
Oh! Don’t forget to download this weeks phone wallpaper if you also really need this reminder
Free Phone Wallpaper:
My Fave Thing on the Internet This Week:
This dress is so cute I could cry #dramatic Also it’s on sale!!
File under: Things I never knew I needed in my life – a ranking of all of Ms. Frizzles outfits from the Magic School bus hahaha
This week I made homemade chicken fingers, I make them A LOT, but they are so yummy and easy! Thought I’d link the recipe for yah!
This is a super cute way to hang prints that’s not a frame!
Discovered this wallpaper brand – I’m in love with this one, this one, and this one!!
ALSO this DIY wallpaper made with SHARPIES is amazingggg
My current fave home inspo instagram – her style is almost identical to mine *heart eyes*
Hope you enjoyed this weeks episode of ‘Happy Friyay + Phone Wallpaper!’ 😉 Have a magical weekend guys! Follow along with my weekend adventures (or lack thereof) @mikylacreates! See you next week for a rainbow (hint, hint) inspired DIY!
Ps. If you’re like me and like to make simple DIYs on the weekend by yourself or with friends, head here for some fun ideas!