DIY Propagation Station Wall for $20
You know when you have a project in your head for a long time but you can never quite figure out how you’re going to do it, so you just keep putting it off? Well, that’s what this project was for me. I’ve been trying to find a way to incorporate a propagation wall into our home for awhile now, but I never knew how to hang them on the wall. You CAN buy ones (here) that have a way to hang it, but they are a little pricey if you want a lot of them – like I did. I made 16 for $20, but if I were to buy that many it would have been $80, plus I like how these look better!

ANYWAYS, after not knowing how to hang them on the wall – it finally clicked one day – SCULPEY! My favorite DIY tool everrr. If you’re new here, I’ve been using Sculpey since I was 8 and there are a lottt of Sculpey DIYs on this blog! You can find them HERE! I realized that Sculpey would be the perfect way to hang my propagation jars!
It’s actually sooo easy to make, it’s a little time consuming because you have to make so many, but I think from start to finish this project only took me a couple hours. Let’s get started!
Glass Tubes – I used 16
Tan Colored Sculpey – I used up a pack and a half

- Roll out your Sculpey into a long snake. Mine was about a 1/4 inch, but I just eyeballed it and chose what looked good on my jars.
- Cut portions of your clay snake and wrap it around the top of your glass jar, the jars I used had a lip ontop so the clay stayed in place.
- Connect the ends of the clay together by smoothing them together with your finger.
- Take your jar and gently press the back side of the clay onto the table to flatten it, so that it will lay more flat against the wall when you go to hang it.
- Roll out a skinnier snake than the first one – about half the size, Then, cut it to make little rings.
- Like you did before, connect the ends of the clay to form a ring by smoothing it with your finger.
- Attach the ring to the back of your jar by (you guessed it) smoothing it with your finger.
- Bake them all according to package directions – I baked them with the glass too.

Then, all you have to do is hang them on the wall (I used picture frame nails) fill them with water and add your plant cuttings! YAY! The cutest decoration that’s inexpensive, unique, and gets you new plants! Talk about a win, win, win!
You see this wall right when you walk in our house and I LOVE that, it’s the happiest thing to be greeted by! If you make your own DIY propagation station wall then pretty pleaseeee tag or DM me @mikylacreates on Instagram so that I can see!!