So excited about this autumn bucket list printable + 30 ideas for your list!! Literally one day this week I woke up and had this huge desire to make an autumn bucket list and do all the fall things, so I lay in bed and typed out all the stuff I wanted to do on my phone. Honestly, just making a list had me feeling all cozy haha. Then I designed this printable, because #cantstopwontstop and thought that maybe you’d like to use it to?! I’ve always been making printable’s for myself, but now that I have this blog, my designing addiction can hopefully benefit you too!

ANYWAYS, just enter your email below to grab the fall bucket list, and I thought it’d be fun to give you a list of ideas incase you need some help! Let’s get started!
- Take a scenic drive
- Pick apples at an Orchard
- Go to a Corn maze
- Paint pumpkins
- Read outside
- Go to drive in movie
- Clean out closet
- Bake a pie
- Make donuts
- Make homemade soup
- Go for a bike ride
- Go on a coffee date
- Decorate home for fall
- Make a fall wreath
- Take Photos in the leaves
- Visit a pumpkin patch
- Go on a picnic
- Make fall potpourri on stove
- Build a Fort & Watch a Movie
- Make Trail Mix
- Buy Pumpkin Flavored Things at Trader Joes
- Halloween Party
- Make Cider
- Have a Bonfire
- Make a DIY Halloween costume
- Burn Fall Candles
- Jump in a Pile of Leaves
- Go on a Hayride
- Send a Handwritten Letter
- Buy a Cozy Sweater
- Make Caramel Apples
- Visit a Farmers Market
- Have Friends Over for a Fall Craft Night
- Watch Fall Episodes of Gilmore Girls

I am ready to completely devote my life to fall if you can’t tell, and I hope this post makes you feel as warm and cozy as it does for me! Let me know which item on the list you most want to do in the comments!! Pretty please tag me @mikylacreates if you use this autumn bucket list printable and these 30 ideas! Yay!
Ps. If you are a printable lover like me, I posted these printable greeting cards last week!