Free Printable Father’s Day Cards To Color!
Hey guy’s! You guys loved my free printable Mother’s day cards, so I made some free printable Father’s day cards for you! I am so flipping happy with how cute they turned out! I mean that little fold down collar killsss me. I made three different patterns for you to color, so that you can customize them to your dad or grandpa’s fave colors. I also think that coloring them makes it so much more personal, and special!
PS. Check out my Father’s day gift DIY here!

PS. You can find all of my printables here!
I was kind of obsessed with the matching envelopes for the mother’s day card, so I had to do that again. It’s just so satisfying to me – ha! Plus, it’s handy to not have to track down an envelope! I’m the queen on making my own card and then putting it in an envelope that totally doesn’t fit, which ain’t classy.
Anywayssss, I hope you guys spoil your dad’s – they deserve it! If you get to see your dad in person this Father’s day, squeeze them tight for me, because mine lives far away #sadface.
Enter your email below to get your free printable cards!
All you will need are some scissors and colored pencils!

Free Printable Father’s Day Cards:
That’s it ya’ll! Happy Father’s day!!

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