Happy FriYay + Phone Background
Happy Friday ya’ll! The world is just getting crazier and crazier, BUT i have linked some fun things to do while you are spending more time at home! I am also loving thing weeks phone background because I have been obsessed with this quote for a long time and I can’t believe I’m just now turning it into a wallpaper – but here we are! Starting your day with a dance party really does make your day better!
Free Phone Background
This Weeks Links!
- How to make your home cozier – perfect for all of this time we’re spending at home now #corona
- I’m really, really loving the Swedish clog trend for spring! I LOVE these and these!
- This podcast interview with the CEO of Instagram in fascinating.
- A fun way to spend time at home is baking (duh) and these look AMAZING!
- DIY Paper earrings – whaaaaaaat?! So cute!
Ps. I posted a list of 30 fun things to do at home! Which may be handy this week in light of the corona virus. Find the list here!
That’s it for this weeks “Happy FriYay + Phone Background” post!