This DIY Hotdog family costume is the PERFECT last minute costume that’s still way cute and unique! And, can we just talk about how flippin’ adorable Cooper looks as a little hotdog dog?! Dead. If you don’t have a dog, don’t worry, the hotdog costume would be perfect on a baby, or on an adult, you’d just make it a little differently! I also love this costume because if you take that hat off, then BAM you’re just wearing normal clothes, which is super handy if you ask me!

ANYWAYS, like literally every costume I’m going to share, this costume is easy, but like easier than most, you could easily make the hotdog, ketchup and mustard in under an hour, so basically it’s just the greatest costume – haha!

Okay, let’s get started!
For the Ketchup and Mustard:
12×12 Red and Yellow Cardstock
Ketchup and Mustard Template (above)
For the Hot Dog:
Red, yellow & brown felt
For the Ketchup and Mustard:
- Cut a 12 inch strip of paper.
- Glue strip into a circle.
- Cut two circles the same size as the circle you just created.
- Glue circles on either side of strip, making a puck shape.
- Cut out cone shape with template.
- Glue cone together.
- Glue cone onto puck shape.
- Measure elastic to your head and glue ends together.
- Glue elastic to bottom of hate
For the Hotdog:
- Cut out hot dog shape out of brown felt with template.
- Cut two bun shapes out of tan felt with the same template.
- Cut a squiggly line out of red and yellow felt.
- Glue buns onto of either side of hotdog.
- Glue ketchup and mustard on top on hotdog and trim edges.
- Measure piece of elastic on your dog, glue either end to either side of hotdog.

That’s IT! Ah, so easy! This DIY hotdog costume would also be cute with a burger added into the mix, the perfect family costume! If you make this costume pretty please tag me @mikylacreates so I can see!!
PS. this is my last costume for this year *sad face* but head here to see my other costumes!!

Great post.