DIY Deck Privacy Idea – outdoor Curtains
Hanging curtains on our deck was the very BEST decision we made when we built our deck! We’ve had them up for about a month now, and I can honestly say that I think we use our deck 3x more because of them! I feel so strongly about them, that I thought I’d make a post about why they’re so great, and give you a quick tutorial on how to hang them with links to the curtains we used!

If you want more DIY home decor ideas from me, head HERE!
Last fall we visited Prince Edward Island in Canada. It is so, so beautiful there, and one day we ate at this restaurant that overlooked the ocean. The patio was surrounded by curtains and I remember thinking how pretty they looked. Then when we were building our deck, my dad reminded me of that restaurant, and we basically took that idea and ran with it!
Here’s the restaurant that inspired outdoor curtains:

3 Reasons Why I LOVE Our Deck Curtains!
1. They provide so much privacy, so we don’t have to worry about anybody seeing us or feel like we’re being watched when we go on our deck in the morning wearing pjs.
2. The curtains also provide a lot of shade! Our deck doesn’t get shade until the evening, so this is a huge plus on hot days!
3. They are also just so pretty, especially when they flow in the wind. Plus, it’s nice to feel like we have our own private space when our neighbors houses are so, so close.
Outdoor Curtains
– We got curtains that hang using velcro, so that we could easily take them off to wash them, and take them off for winter.
– The more curtains the better! We ordered four 4.5 foot wide curtains for each 10 foot section of deck.
– Our curtains are 7ft long, and it’s the perfect height!
– We used 1/2″ thick polypropylene twisted rope.
– Make sure to get more plastic type rope so that the curtains slide well!
1/2″ Adjustable Radiator Clamps
Torch (Optional)
– We used this to melt the ends of the rope so that it didn’t fray.

This is going to be more of a rough tutorial, as it really depends on your specific deck, but I’ll briefly explain what we did, and attach some photos showing how we did it.
We had our deck built this summer, so we asked the guy who built our deck to add 8ft beams so that we could have curtains. So he did this, and also added diagonal supporting beams at the corners which you can see in the photos.
The curtains we got can be hung at the top and bottom, so we hung the curtains at both the top and bottom, so that they wouldn’t blow everywhere and hit us when we’re on the deck – ha!
How We Secured the Top Rope:

How We Secured the Bottom Rope:
The bottom of the curtain doesn’t have velcro to secure it like the top does, so we added this metal clips so that we can still remove the curtains!

Hopefully that gives you a pretty good idea of how we hung our deck curtains, I would give them a 10/10! They are also so much cheaper, and in my opinion prettier than other privacy options! If you make your own pretty please tag or Dm me on Instagram @mikylacreates. See you soon for another DIY!!